What are the effects of taking expired Diazepam?

Diazepam, also known as Valium, is a sedative-hypnotic medication commonly used to treat anxiety, insomnia, and muscle spasms. Diazepam has a shelf life of around 2-3 years, after which it is considered expired. Taking expired Diazepam can be dangerous and may cause serious health problems, and it is crucial to understand the potential effects.

Decreased potency 

One of the main effects of taking expired Diazepam is that it may lose its potency. This means that it may not provide the same level of relief for anxiety or insomnia or may not effectively control muscle spasms as it would when within its expiration date.

Increased risk of side effects 

Expired Diazepam may also increase the risk of side effects. As the medication loses potency, the risk of side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, and confusion increases. Additionally, expired Diazepam may also cause allergic reactions in some people.

Chemical changes 

Expired Diazepam can also undergo chemical changes, which can alter its effects on the body. This can cause the medication to become toxic, leading to serious health problems.

Contamination risk 

Another risk of taking expired Diazepam is contamination. Medications that have expired may have been exposed to moisture, heat, or light, which can cause bacteria and other microorganisms to grow in the medicine. This can cause severe infections if the medication is taken.


It is not safe to take expired Diazepam. It may lose its potency, increase the risk of side effects, undergo chemical changes, and be contaminated. If you have expired Diazepam or any other expired medication, it is essential to dispose of them safely and appropriately. It is also important to check your medication's expiration date regularly and replace any expired medication with new, unexpired medicines. If you have any queries or concerns about your medication, consult with your healthcare provider or pharmacist.
